Watching the Tibetan uprising spread around the world

From Beijing Wide Open – And a spontaneous march of 300 Tibetans set out from McLeod Ganj today at the main temple and is now nearing the Dehra, where the original marchers are imprisoned.

This is truly a People’s Uprising Movement.

And of course the Chinese are freaking out. They are so angry and spewing the most ridiculous rhetoric against the Dalai Lama:

“The Dalai Lama and his clique have never for a day refrained from violence and terror. His childhood teacher, an Austrian, was a Nazi, and it’s no secret that for quite a long time after he fled to India, he kept a force, armed by his western patron, for separatist activities. ”

Maybe someone should tell them it just makes them look like delusional idiots to any rational person living in the free world.

Protests are spreading like wildfire inside Tibet. I am getting reports right now as I write this about gunshots in Karma Kunsang in Lhasa. Thousands are protesting in Labrang. People are desperate. Calls are coming from Tibet pleading for help. By phone today someone said:

“The Chinese shot at everybody in sight and blood and piles of corpses are lying around the main temple Tsuglakhang in Lhasa. Many people have been put into prison where they are being beaten. Tibetans are being forced to beat up their own countrymen. Many Tibetans are refusing to do so.”

Support protests for those inside Tibet are spreading around the world. In Delhi, 50 Tibetans were placed under custody after storming the Chinese Embassy yesterday and seven people were arrested outside the UN General Assembly building in New York City. Another 3 were arrested in Chicago at a candle light vigil. In Nepal, protests turned violent as police clashed with about 1,000 protesters. and twelve monks were injured. And earlier today, 7 people were arrested at the Chinese Embassy in Sydney.

Here in Dharamsala, hundreds are protesting. A second wave of Tibetans restarted the March for Tibet this morning where the original 100 marchers were arrested on Thursday.

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